Friday, January 25, 2013

Here we go again...

Soooooo.... I've decided that maybe I might start blogging again. I'm not sure why other than somedays I have a lot on my mind and nothing to do with it. If you have looked around my blog then you might notice that my old posts are really old. I also noticed when I logged back in that all of the blogs I follow are equally old. We all must have gone through a fad together!

Anywho, I updated the layout and pictures and thought I'd give you all a rundown of what has been going on lately.

I am in school to be an Occupational Therapy Assistant. I know I said I never wanted to go back to school once I finished at ISU, but apparently I can't seem to stay away from the joys of taking tests and writing papers (you may assume that I am being sarcastic here). My reasons for wanting to become an OTA are varied, but basically I will get to do something awesome and be able to contribute financially to my family. Only 11 months left!

Rob has also decided to go back to school for his Master's degree in Educational Technology (I probably messed up the exact title, but it's something like that). He will be taking classes online from BSU while keeping up with his full time job educating young Surgical Technologist wannabes. Long story short, if you ever wonder where either of us are on any given night, it's probably at home, in front of a laptop, working on homework!

Rosanna is in her last few months of elementary school and busy trying to read every book ever written. I am so proud of her love of reading! She has become very independent over the last year and is quickly transitioning into a young lady. She loves playing soccer, and loves it even more now that she can play indoors! This spring Rob is going to teach her how to golf, which they are both looking forward to.

Layla is busy being Layla! It sounds funny, but those of you who know how she is know that the only way to describe her is "Layla." She has her own unique style and loves putting together her own outfits and hairstyles. This morning she had to wear velvet to school because, can you believe it, none of her classmates knew what velvet was! She loves to sing and has recently started playing soccer at the same indoor place Rosanna goes to.

I know that most of you who might be reading this already know all of this stuff because of our interactions on Facebook. However, as I looked back on my old blog posts I realized that this has become something of a personal journal for me. So I'm going to do my best to keep it up for myself and if I get some followers along the way then that would be great too!

Fell free to leave a comment or be inspired to update your own blog (you know who you are!).


  1. Welcome back to blogging! Update my own blog? Pft! Riiiight. ;)

    That cracked me up about Layla's need to educate her classmates about velvet. We need to start teaching that girl to sew and maybe some day she can make us some fabulous outfits!

  2. Nice set up you have here!
    This is Stevo BTW.
