Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Goodbye to Max...

This morning our puppy Max died from illness. We didn't have him for very long, but surprisingly a bond had already been formed and it has been a pretty emotional time for all of us. We will miss this little guy running and playing around underfoot, but we are relieved that he does not have to suffer any longer. Thankfully, Gunner is in good health, and we can love and care for him while we work through this time of sadness.


  1. That is so sad and I'm very sorry *tear*

  2. How are the girls holding up with this? Have they ever had to deal with death before?

  3. Phil, they are doing ok, although Rosanna is pretty sensitive. Layla doesn't really understand it, but we try to just be honest in answering all of their questions. This is the first time they have had to deal with death. Maybe I should be thankful that we are learning with a pet.
