Monday, August 17, 2009

Being a Night Person

So, here's the deal: At 10:30, I thought, "I'm not really doing anything productive, I should go to bed." However, here it is almost a quarter past 11:00pm and I am still awake. Not just awake, but on the computer, updating my blog, and I just started a load of laundry! I wanted to write my blog about this to hopefully give a little bit of insight into what it is like to be a night person. (By the way, those of you who are reading this at 7am tomorrow morning are going to have NO IDEA about what I'm talking about!)

Night people work better at night! There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. It's not because I am addicted to caffiene, or just like to sleep all day so I can party all night. It's because my mind "wakes up" during the evening hours. Unfortunately, the rest of the world operates on a day person schedule so I am forced to perform my everyday functions when I am not at my top form mentally. This is not to say that I perform poorly at my job, at least I think I do all right! It's just that, if I were at work right now(at 11:21pm), I would be flinging charts and scheduling like no other! :o)

One of the nice things about being a night person is that I enjoy several hours of "alone time" and I get a lot more done because the kiddos are already in bed. The downside is of course, I probably don't get as much sleep as I should and then I feel rushed in the morning because I like to sleep as late as I possibly can! Trust me, I have tried to go to bed early and it usually results in me getting back up to write down a grocery list or look up an answer to a silly, trivial question that has been bothering me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I just wanted to let you all know what was on my mind tonight!