Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Nap...

Today I was reading my book in my room and I fell asleep, it was awesome. I wish I could take a nap every day!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Being a Night Person

So, here's the deal: At 10:30, I thought, "I'm not really doing anything productive, I should go to bed." However, here it is almost a quarter past 11:00pm and I am still awake. Not just awake, but on the computer, updating my blog, and I just started a load of laundry! I wanted to write my blog about this to hopefully give a little bit of insight into what it is like to be a night person. (By the way, those of you who are reading this at 7am tomorrow morning are going to have NO IDEA about what I'm talking about!)

Night people work better at night! There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. It's not because I am addicted to caffiene, or just like to sleep all day so I can party all night. It's because my mind "wakes up" during the evening hours. Unfortunately, the rest of the world operates on a day person schedule so I am forced to perform my everyday functions when I am not at my top form mentally. This is not to say that I perform poorly at my job, at least I think I do all right! It's just that, if I were at work right now(at 11:21pm), I would be flinging charts and scheduling like no other! :o)

One of the nice things about being a night person is that I enjoy several hours of "alone time" and I get a lot more done because the kiddos are already in bed. The downside is of course, I probably don't get as much sleep as I should and then I feel rushed in the morning because I like to sleep as late as I possibly can! Trust me, I have tried to go to bed early and it usually results in me getting back up to write down a grocery list or look up an answer to a silly, trivial question that has been bothering me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I just wanted to let you all know what was on my mind tonight!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ready... Set...

GO! Back to school, back to soccer, back to choir, back to LOGOS, back to Bells! I am ready to get back into all of the things that we love and have taken a break from this summer! Rosanna is starting SECOND GRADE (that is NOT a typo!) this year and Rob is taking some classes at ISU. Rosanna also starts soccer again, even though her space cadet mom almost forgot to register her!

This year both of the girls will get to attend LOGOS, which is an awesome children's program at our church. I will also be teaching Worship skills, which I am trying to get prepared for.

The fall time also gets us back into music, between Magic Valley Chorale, Church choir, and Handbell choir, Rob and I get to use our musical "skills" in several areas.

Although I am excited for everything that is coming up this fall, I am also relishing the quiet couple of weeks we have before we dive in!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Whew! Is it already Monday again?

Wow! This week has really flown by! Rosanna started soccer camp last Monday and went every weekday in the morning. She really loves going, plus she gets a chance to see some of her soccer buddies and brush up on those skills she'll need this fall. Also, she has decided that next year, she wants to go all day instead of just half day. I guess I have a whole year to get used to the idea! Special thanks go to my mom, who drove from Burley for three days to transport Rosanna to and from camp while I was at work! LOVE YOU MOM!

This week I had the chance to play with the bell choir at a wedding at my church. It was such a cool experience getting to be part of someone's special day, plus the bells were a beautiful addition to the wedding. Then after the wedding, the girls and I went over to the city park for root beer floats and a showing of "Charlotte's Web." I was skeptical at first that we would even be able to see the movie which was projected onto the back of the band shell, but it turned out to be a great (albeit very late) night!

I guess I should mention that while we were having fun at the park, Rob was getting ready to begin what turned out to be an exhausting and somewhat educational experience... climbing Mt. Borah. The exhausting part is that they started hiking at 5 AM (no that is NOT a typo!) and did not get home until well after dark the same evening. The educational part of the hike would be that it takes two good knees to get oneself to the top of Mt. Borah, and unfortunately that is not something that Rob is currently in posession of. However, he has vowed that he will not let the mountain beat him and is already planning on doing it again next year when he is (hopefully) all healed!

Saturday evening, we spent at my sister's rebuilt house having fun in the pool, barbequing, and just generally having a great time. Her house looks fabulous, and I'm considering hiring her out for a little decorating over here! We rounded out the week by heading to church on Sunday and then off to swimming at Nat Soo Pah with friends from church. I ended up renting life jackets for both of my girls which turned out to be really fun! Rosanna was able to go off of both diving boards and both of the girls were able to swim with me in the "deep end" of the pool.

It has been a great week and I have enjoyed all of the fun stuff we have done, the only question is, will I have any energy to start all over again!?!