Sunday, September 6, 2009

I spilled my puzzle...

I'm not great with analogies, but I tend to think of my life as a puzzle, with each piece coming together in a nice pattern that makes a beautiful picture. Some of the pieces being my husband, children, faith, job, pets, music, etc. However, lately I feel like someone has come along and scooped my puzzle onto the floor! All the pieces are still there and in good shape, they just aren't fitting together like they should be. I think one of the reasons for this is that I keep adding new pieces and I'm trying to take out some of the old ones. I just need a little rest and a chance to clear my head and then I will be ready to put everything back together again!

See, this is what happens when you write your blog at 11:30 at night!


  1. Hmmmmm....interesting, as I see it: the puzzle pieces are you, Rob, and the girls; your faith is the glue holding you together; and the frame is everything else in your life. You can always changed the frame, the puzzle stays the same!

    Layla and I saw a puzzle at the thrift store that was glued together and framed. She thought it was cool!

  2. Sounds like you are nearing burn out! Sit back and take a deep breath and if need be, make your husband watch the kids and lets have a girls night out so you can forget your troubles :)
