Layla also got a little practice with the ball and is ready to get in there and join the team. However we decided to wait until she is five and started Kindergarten before we get her registered. After the soccer game, the girls and I went to the Farmer's Market by CSI and found some really yummy fruit and veggies, and also some homemade salsa and raspberry jam. This was our first time to the market and I look forward to going again soon!
When we got home we checked in on Rob, who had his knee operated on this week. The surgery went really well, but he is still in some pain and confined to the couch for a while to heal. The girls and I are playing nurse so that he has everything he needs, he just has to get up at least once an hour to walk around and get the circulation going. Hopefully he will be back to as good as new and ready to hike those mountain trails soon!