Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth of July

Another Fourth of July has come and gone, and it was a great one! Rosanna stayed up late the night before to watch the weather on KMVT to make sure everything would go as planned. We were kind of worried when they said that it was supposed to rain, but thank goodness they were wrong! It turned out to be sunny and warm and we had a lot of fun playing in the pool at my parent's house, even Gunner got in and cooled off! One of the great things that I enjoy each holiday with my girls is watching them experience something new every year. Rosanna got to be more involved in lighting the fireworks this year(with Dad right there with her the whole time!). And Layla was in awe of all of the lights and sounds and even contributed some of her own sound effects during the show!


  1. Love the slide show! you are getting pretty good at this blog thing.

  2. Hmmmm. Who took some of those great pictures?

  3. What a fun day and great pictures!

  4. hey I want some of those cute pony tail holders y0ur girls are wearing! guess I'll have to grow my hair out so i can look pretty too
