Monday, April 13, 2009

To Blog, or not to Blog...

I guess lately, it is the latter of the two. Now that I am a full time wife, mother, receptionist, choir singer, bell-ringer, soccer mom, and facebooker, it seems I have let my Blog fall by the wayside. But not to worry faithful blog-followers, it has been a good thing! I am enjoying all of the aforementioned activities, even though sometimes they make me so tired and frustrated all I want to do is crawl under my favorite blanket and go to sleep! Which, by the way is what I should be doing right now! Another reason that I have not updated my blog is that I really don't have anything new to report, which is why I have already written an entire paragraph that contains absolutly no new information and is mostly rambling.

There are a few fun, extremely normal things going on, such as:
Rosanna has lost most of her teeth and we will probably have to start feeding her blended meals and soup unless she gets some in soon! She has also started soccer again and if she would stop being sick, she will play in her first game soon.
Layla is just as cute and dramatic as ever, and has a newfound love for Easter egg hunting. Rob has been enjoying life lately by camping in the snow and attending a beer festival(not at the same time!), oh yeah, and he got another tattoo! As for me, well, we already went over that!